NJAMHAA Urges Everyone to Advocate for More Funding to Strengthen the Behavioral Health Workforce

April 11, 2024

"We are so fortunate here in New Jersey to have a behavioral health workforce of amazing heroes, a statewide heroic staff whose personal mission is to give so strongly to others …. to ensure that all our Diverse Faces have access to the behavioral health services we deserve. The courageous leaders in the behavioral healthcare space are so inspiring." - Jacques Hryshko, LPC, ACS, NJAMHAA Board Chair and CEO of Family Connections

"The people we serve need a relentless, tenacious presence representing them. At times, we are told that advocacy and services are separate entities, but we cannot accept this false division. We as providers and practitioners are both. We represent a community that gives of ourselves and we walk where most people won't. The status quo is not good enough and we need to keep fighting for the services that all New Jersey residents deserve." - Buddy Garfinkle, MSW, Executive Vice President and Chief Program Officer, Bridgeway Behavioral Health Services

Everyone's Advocacy Is Needed Now!

Please share NJAMHAA's campaign, Diverse Faces: All Are Worthy of Full Investment, in advocacy to your local legislators!

Click here to read success stories in NJAMHAA's campaign brochure and here to watch videos that feature additional inspiring examples of the value of behavioral healthcare services and the workforce who provides them.

Please share these links on your websites and social media pages! Also, please encourage your staff, Board members, other colleagues, friends and family members to advocate!

Thank you for joining NJAMHAA in this critical advocacy effort!

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